Shape DSL

The goal of GREASE's refinement loop is to discover sufficient preconditions for the successful execution of a target function. These preconditions are represented as a mapping from arguments (i.e., registers) to shapes.

Abstract syntax

Conceptually, a shape has the following grammar:

shape ::=
  | bv
  | bv-lit byte+
  | ptr memshape*

memshape ::=
  | uninit N
  | init N
  | exactly byte+
  | memptr memshape*

byte ::= 00 | 01 | ... | ff


  • bv represents a symbolic bitvector of the appropriate width
  • bv-lit byte+ represents a concrete bitvector literal
  • ptr represents a pointer, the memshape*s are what it points to
  • uninit N represents N uninitialized bytes of memory
  • init N represents N bytes of memory initialized to symbolic bytes
  • exactly byte+ represents a concrete sequence of bytes
  • memptr represents a pointer to a futher allocation

At certain verbosity levels, GREASE may output these preconditions in its logs. It does so using a concrete syntax described below.

Concrete syntax

Bitvectors (bv) are represented with sequences of XX (each representing a symbolic byte), like so:

  • 32-bit: XX XX XX XX
  • 64-bit: XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX

Bitvector literals (bv-lit) are written in hexadecimal, 0-padded on the left to the appropriate width, and optionally prefixed with 0x. They must have an even number of hexadecimal digits.

  • 32-bit: 0bad1dea, 0x0bad1dea
  • 64-bit: 0bad1deadeadbeef, 0x0bad1deadeadbeef

Similarly, symbolic bytes (init) are written as sequences of XXs, separated by spaces. Uninitialized bytes are written ##. Concrete bytes (exactly) are written like bitvector literals, in hexadecimal, 0-padded on the left to a width of 2. Pointers (ptr, memptr) are represented as an allocation number plus an offset. The targets of pointers are shown out-of-line.

The following example shows a pointer in AArch32 register R1. The pointer points to allocation number 00, at offset 4. Allocation 00 contains four uninitialized bytes, followed by two initialized, symbolic bytes, followed by the concrete bytes fe and 0a, followed by a pointer to allocation 01. Allocation 01 doesn't contain anything at all (thus, any read from or write to it would fail).

R1: 00+00000004
00: ## ## ## ## XX XX fe 0a 01+00000000

For 32-bit architectures, the allocation numbers are 0-padded on the left to a width of 2, whereas for 64-bit architectures, they are padded to a width of 6. The offsets are padded to the maximal number of hex digits required to write numbers of that bit-width, namely 8 for 32-bit and 16 for 64-bit. This scheme ensures that pointers have the same textual width as a pointer-width sequence of bytes.

Long, repeated sequences of symbolic or uninitialized bytes can be written with run-length encoding. For example, a sequence of 64 uninitialized bytes would be ##*00000040. Just as for pointer offsets, the run length is represented as a hexadecimal number of the size of the machine bit-width.

Specifying initial preconditions

GREASE begins its analysis with a "minimal" precondition,1 and uses its heuristics to search for a precondition that avoids errors. In many cases, GREASE's heuristics cannot find such a precondition. In such cases, you can manually specify an initial precondition from which to begin refinement.


For example, consider this (contrived) program:

// test.c
#include <stdlib.h>

void test(int *p, int *q) {
  if (*p == 0) {
    // do some stuff
  // some other stuff

int main() { }

GREASE's heuristics are currently insufficient to avoid the double-free, so GREASE will output something like the following:

clang test.c
grease a.out --symbol test
Finished analyzing 'test'. Possible bug: double free at segment1+0x116a

This result may be unsatisfying if you know that test will never be called with *p == 0. By specifying --initial-precondition, you can show GREASE how to avoid the error and continue its analysis. Assuming your compiler targets x86_64 Linux (SysV ABI), write the following in shapes.txt:

rdi: 000000+0000000000000000

000000: 01 XX XX XX

This ensures that loading from p will return a symbolic bitvector with the lowest byte set to 01. In particular, it will never be zero. Re-running GREASE yields:

grease a.out --symbol test --initial-precondition shapes.txt
All goals passed!


The general-purpose and floating-point registers are named according to the following schemes:

  • AArch32: R0, R1, V0, ..., V31
  • PPC: r0, ..., r31, f0, ..., f63
  • x86_64: rax, ..., r15, zmm0, ..., zmm15

For LLVM, the arguments are numbered starting from 0 and prefixed with %, so %0, %1, ..., etc.


Specifically, all pointer-sized bitvector-typed registers are set to pointers that don't point to anything, and all other bitvector-typed registers are set to symbolic bitvectors.