Ghidra plugin

GREASE includes support for integrating with the Ghidra software reverse engineering suite via a plugin. The plugin works interfaces with a local GREASE installation and presents the results of GREASE's analysis to the user using Ghidra's graphical user interface.


You will need to download Ghidra. You will also need to build a grease binary from source as described in the developers' guide.

You may optionally specify the path to your grease binary by setting the GHIDRA_GREASE_BIN environment variable. If not set, the Ghidra plugin will prompt for the path to your grease binary.

Similarly, you may optionally specify a directory containing GREASE override files by setting the GHIDRA_GREASE_OVERRIDES environment variable. If not set, the Ghidra plugin will prompt for a directory.

Plugin installation

Before starting, make sure you have installed Ghidra and built GREASE from source, as described in the "Prerequisites" section above. Then perform the following steps:

  1. In Ghidra, use CodeBrowser Script Manager -> Manage Script Directories to add the <grease>/ghidra_scripts/ path (where <grease> is the path to your grease checkout).
  2. In the Ghidra Script Manager, find and check the In Tool checkbox to add GREASE Analysis to the Tools menu.

Plugin usage

After opening a binary in Ghidra, use Tools -> GREASE Analysis to start the Ghidra plugin. If you haven't defined GHIDRA_GREASE_BIN or GHIDRA_GREASE_OVERRIDES environment variables by this point, the plugin will prompt you with a windows to locate the grease binary's location and the GREASE override directory's locations, respectively.

The plugin will then prompt you to select function(s) to analyze. After picking the function(s) of interest and clicking OK, the plugin will analyze the function(s) using GREASE and display the results graphically. For example, the screenshot below demonstrates the results of running the Ghidra plugin on a main function with an uninitialized stack read at address 0x0010113b:

GREASE Ghidra plugin example