mate_query.db module

This module contains classes that represent tables in the Postgres DB, or derive from them.

class mate_query.db.AdvisoryLockBuildTransaction(build: str)

Bases: sqlalchemy.sql.ddl.DDLElement


build (str) –

Return type


class mate_query.db.AnalysisTask(uuid: str, analysis_name: str, state: mate_common.models.analyses.AnalysisTaskState, build: mate_query.db.Build)

Bases: object

Represents a concrete invocation of a POI analysis on a Build.

build: Build
classmethod create(analysis_name: str, build: mate_query.db.Build) mate_query.db.AnalysisTask
Return type


poi_results: List[POIResult]
to_info() mate_common.models.analyses.AnalysisTaskInfo

Returns an AnalysisTaskInfo model for this analysis task.

Return type


transition_to_state(new_state: mate_common.models.analyses.AnalysisTaskState) None

new_state (mate_common.models.analyses.AnalysisTaskState) –

Return type


class mate_query.db.Artifact(uuid: str, kind: ArtifactKind, *, attributes: Dict[str, Any] = {})

Bases: object

Represents a filesystem artifact associated with zero or more builds.

Artifacts are tagged with a kind, which indicates their disposition within MATE. The kind may or may not reflect the file format itself. Artifacts also carry an attributes dictionary, which contains unstructured metadata relevant to the artifact.

  • uuid (str) –

  • kind (ArtifactKind) –

  • attributes (Dict[str, Any]) –

Return type


builds: List[Build]
compilations: List[Compilation]
classmethod create_with_object(kind: ArtifactKind, *, fileobj: IO[AnyStr], attributes: Dict[str, Any] = {}) Artifact

Create a new Artifact and put the given fileobj into the object store, associating it with the newly created artifact.

  • kind (ArtifactKind) –

  • fileobj (IO[AnyStr]) –

  • attributes (Dict[str, Any]) –

Return type


get_object() Iterator[IO[bytes]]

Yields the object associated with this artifact as a file-like object.

Return type


has_object() bool

Returns whether this artifact has an associated object, i.e. whether an object has been upload to the object store for it.

Return type


persist_locally(*, suffix: Optional[str] = None) pathlib.Path

Create a local copy of the artifact and return it as a pathlib.Path.

The caller is responsible for disposing of the path. No cleanup is performed by default.


suffix (Optional[str]) –

Return type


put_object(fileobj: IO[AnyStr], **kwargs: Any) None

Puts the given fileobj into the object store, associating it with this artifact.

  • fileobj (IO[AnyStr]) –

  • kwargs (Any) –

Return type


to_info() mate_common.models.artifacts.ArtifactInformation

Returns an ArtifactInformation model for this artifact.

Return type


class mate_query.db.Build(uuid: str, state: BuildState, bitcode_artifact: Artifact, compilation: Compilation, *, options: Dict[str, Any], attributes: Dict[str, Any])

Bases: object

  • uuid (str) –

  • state (BuildState) –

  • bitcode_artifact (Artifact) –

  • compilation (Compilation) –

  • options (Dict[str, Any]) –

  • attributes (Dict[str, Any]) –

Return type


analysis_tasks: List[AnalysisTask]
artifacts: List[Artifact]
classmethod create(bitcode_artifact: Artifact, compilation: Compilation, *, options: Dict[str, Any], attributes: Dict[str, Any] = {}) Build
  • bitcode_artifact (Artifact) –

  • compilation (Compilation) –

  • options (Dict[str, Any]) –

  • attributes (Dict[str, Any]) –

Return type


mantiserve_tasks: List[MantiserveTask]
to_info(artifact_detail: bool = False) mate_common.models.builds.BuildInformation

Returns a BuildInformation model for this build.

If artifact_detail is supplied, the resulting BuildInformation includes the ArtifactInformation for each artifact in the build.


artifact_detail (bool) –

Return type


transition_to_state(new_state: mate_common.models.builds.BuildState) None

new_state (mate_common.models.builds.BuildState) –

Return type


class mate_query.db.BuildArtifactAssociation

Bases: object

A many-many association table for mapping artifacts to builds and builds to artifacts.

An artifact can have many builds in one case: a compile target that’s used to produce multiple builds.

A build can have many artifacts in the normal case: each build is expected to produce compilation outputs and other artifacts that are associated with it.

class mate_query.db.Compilation(uuid: str, state: CompilationState, source_artifact: Artifact, *, options: Dict[str, Any])

Bases: object

Return type


artifacts: List[Artifact]
builds: List[Build]
property challenge_id: Optional[str]

Returns the challenge broker ID that corresponds to this compilation, if this compilation was created from a brokered challenge.

classmethod create(source_artifact: Artifact, *, options: Dict[str, Any]) Compilation
  • source_artifact (Artifact) –

  • options (Dict[str, Any]) –

Return type


to_info() mate_common.models.compilations.CompilationInformation

Returns a CompilationInformation model for this compilation.

Return type


transition_to_state(new_state: mate_common.models.compilations.CompilationState) None

new_state (mate_common.models.compilations.CompilationState) –

Return type


class mate_query.db.CompilationArtifactAssociation

Bases: object

A many-many association table for mapping artifacts to compilations and compilations to artifacts.

An artifact can have many compilations, since multiple independent ``db.Compilation`s can be created (with different configurations) for one artifact.

Each db.Compilation, in turn, can have many db.Artifacts (in the form of compilation products and byproducts).

class mate_query.db.CreateView(name: str, selectable: sqlalchemy.sql.selectable.FromClause)

Bases: sqlalchemy.sql.ddl.DDLElement

  • name (str) –

  • selectable (FromClause) –

Return type


class mate_query.db.FlowFinderSnapshot(*, uuid: str, poi_result: Optional[POIResult], build: Build, label: str, filters: List[str], graph_requests: GraphRequests, hidden_graph_ids: List[str], hidden_node_ids: List[str], user_annotations: Dict[str, FlowFinderAnnotations])

Bases: object

Represents the state of a user’s analysis of a POIResult.

  • uuid (str) –

  • poi_result (Optional[POIResult]) –

  • build (Build) –

  • label (str) –

  • filters (List[str]) –

  • graph_requests (GraphRequests) –

  • hidden_graph_ids (List[str]) –

  • hidden_node_ids (List[str]) –

  • user_annotations (Dict[str, FlowFinderAnnotations]) –

Return type


build: Build
classmethod create(*, poi_result: Optional[POIResult], build: Build, label: str, filters: List[str] = [], graph_requests: GraphRequests = [], hidden_graph_ids: List[str] = [], hidden_node_ids: List[str] = [], user_annotations: Dict[str, FlowFinderAnnotations] = {}) FlowFinderSnapshot
  • poi_result (Optional[POIResult]) –

  • build (Build) –

  • label (str) –

  • filters (List[str]) –

  • graph_requests (GraphRequests) –

  • hidden_graph_ids (List[str]) –

  • hidden_node_ids (List[str]) –

  • user_annotations (Dict[str, FlowFinderAnnotations]) –

Return type


poi_result: Optional[POIResult]
to_info() mate_common.models.analyses.FlowFinderSnapshotInfo

Returns a FlowFinderSnapshotInfo model for this snapshot.

Return type


class mate_query.db.Graph(parent: Optional[Graph], name: str, build: str, selectables: Optional[Tuple[FromClause, FromClause]], session: Session)

Bases: mate_query.cpg.models.core.cpg.BaseCPG

  • parent (Optional[Graph]) –

  • name (str) –

  • build (str) –

  • selectables (Optional[Tuple[FromClause, FromClause]]) –

  • session (Session) –

Return type


ASMBlock: Type[ASMBlock]
ASMGlobalVariable: Type[ASMGlobalVariable]
ASMInst: Type[ASMInst]
Alloca: Type[Alloca]
Argument: Type[Argument]
ArrayType: Type[ArrayType]
BasicType: Type[BasicType]
Block: Type[Block]
Call: Type[Call]
CallReturn: Type[CallReturn]
CallSite: Type[CallSite]
ClassType: Type[ClassType]
CompositeCachedType: Type[CompositeCachedType]
CompositeType: Type[CompositeType]
Constant: Type[Constant]
ConstantFP: Type[ConstantFP]
ConstantInt: Type[ConstantInt]
ConstantString: Type[ConstantString]
ConstantUndef: Type[ConstantUndef]
DWARFArgument: Type[DWARFArgument]
DWARFLocalVariable: Type[DWARFLocalVariable]
DWARFType: Type[DWARFType]
DataflowSignature: Type[DataflowSignature]
DerivedType: Type[DerivedType]
Edge: Type[Edge]
EnumType: Type[EnumType]
Function: Type[Function]
GlobalVariable: Type[GlobalVariable]
InputSignature: Type[InputSignature]
Instruction: Type[Instruction]
Intrinsic: Type[Intrinsic]
Invoke: Type[Invoke]
LLVMType: Type[LLVMType]
Load: Type[Load]
LocalVariable: Type[LocalVariable]
MachineBasicBlock: Type[MachineBasicBlock]
MachineFunction: Type[MachineFunction]
MachineInstr: Type[MachineInstr]
Memcpy: Type[Memcpy]
MemoryLocation: Type[MemoryLocation]
Memset: Type[Memset]
Module: Type[Module]
Node: Type[Node]
OutputSignature: Type[OutputSignature]
PLTStub: Type[PLTStub]
ParamBinding: Type[ParamBinding]
Resume: Type[Resume]
Ret: Type[Ret]
Store: Type[Store]
StructureType: Type[StructureType]
SubroutineType: Type[SubroutineType]
TranslationUnit: Type[TranslationUnit]
UnclassifiedNode: Type[UnclassifiedNode]
UnionType: Type[UnionType]
VTable: Type[VTable]
Variable: Type[Variable]
property ast: mate_query.db.Graph

Construct the abstract sytnax tree subgraph of the current graph.

property cdg: mate_query.db.Graph

Construct the control-dependence subgraph of the current graph.

property cfg: mate_query.db.Graph

Construct the control-flow subgraph of the current graph.

property cg: mate_query.db.Graph

Construct the call-subgraph of the current graph.

property dfg: mate_query.db.Graph

Construct the data-flow subgraph of the current graph.

classmethod from_build(build: mate_query.db.Build, session: mate_query.db.Session) mate_query.db.Graph

Create a graph consisting of all nodes/edges from an existing build.

Return type


property icfg: mate_query.db.Graph

Construct the interprocedural control-flow subgraph of the current graph.

property ifg: mate_query.db.Graph

Construct the information-flow subgraph of the current graph.

paths(builder: PathBuilder) Type[Path]

Run the given PathBuilder on the current graph.


builder (PathBuilder) –

Return type


property ptg: mate_query.db.Graph

Construct the points-to subgraph of the current graph.

subgraph(builder: mate_query.db.SubgraphBuilder) mate_query.db.Graph

Run the given SubgraphBuilder on the current graph.


builder (mate_query.db.SubgraphBuilder) –

Return type


class mate_query.db.MantiserveTask(uuid: str, build: Build, kind: MantiserveTaskKind, request_msg: Dict[str, Any], state: MantiserveTaskState, response_msg: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, docker_image: Optional[str] = None, job_id: Optional[str] = None)

Bases: object

Mantiserve task info.

  • uuid (str) –

  • build (Build) –

  • kind (MantiserveTaskKind) –

  • request_msg (Dict[str, Any]) –

  • state (MantiserveTaskState) –

  • response_msg (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) –

  • docker_image (Optional[str]) –

  • job_id (Optional[str]) –

artifacts: List[Artifact]
build: Build
classmethod create(build: Build, kind: MantiserveTaskKind, request_msg: Dict[str, Any], docker_image: Optional[str] = None) MantiserveTask
  • build (Build) –

  • kind (MantiserveTaskKind) –

  • request_msg (Dict[str, Any]) –

  • docker_image (Optional[str]) –

Return type


to_info() mate_common.models.manticore.MantiserveTaskInformation

Returns a MantiserveTaskInformation model for this Mantiserve task.

Return type


transition_to_state(new_state: MantiserveTaskState, msg: Optional[str] = None) None

Transition to a different state with validity checking.

  • new_state – Transition to this state

  • msg – Optional log message to attach to self.response_msg. If not present, does not touch self.response_msg. Should only be used when transitioning to a MantiserveTaskState.Failed state.

  • new_state (MantiserveTaskState) –

  • msg (Optional[str]) –



Return type


class mate_query.db.MantiserveTaskArtifactAssociation

Bases: object

Associate table of a MantiserveTask to many Artifacts.

class mate_query.db.POIResult(uuid: str, poi: Dict[str, Any], analysis_task: AnalysisTask, graph_requests: GraphRequests, flagged: bool = False, done: bool = False, complexity: POIResultComplexity = POIResultComplexity.Unknown)

Bases: object

Represents a single POI result, produced by running a POI analysis through an AnalysisTask.

  • uuid (str) –

  • poi (Dict[str, Any]) –

  • analysis_task (AnalysisTask) –

  • graph_requests (GraphRequests) –

  • flagged (bool) –

  • done (bool) –

  • complexity (POIResultComplexity) –

Return type


analysis_task: AnalysisTask
children: List[POIResult]
classmethod create(poi: Dict[str, Any], analysis_task: AnalysisTask, graph_requests: List[Dict[str, Any]], complexity: POIResultComplexity = POIResultComplexity.Unknown) POIResult
Return type


parent: Optional[POIResult]
snapshots: List[FlowFinderSnapshot]
to_info() mate_common.models.analyses.POIResultInfo

Returns a POIResultInfo model for this POI result.

Return type


class mate_query.db.Path(info: Any, source: Any, source_stack: Tuple[Any, ...], target: Any, edge: Any, trace: Tuple[Any, ...], state: Any, stack: Tuple[Any, ...], stack_top: Any, c: Any, edge_symbol_table: Optional[Table] = None, transition_table: Optional[Table] = None, is_reversed: ClassVar[bool] = False, stepped_over_functions: ClassVar[set[str]] = <factory>, cfl: ClassVar[bool] = False)

Bases: object

For documentation of this class’s attributes, see comments in _make_path_table or use help at runtime.

  • info (Any) –

  • source (Any) –

  • source_stack (Tuple[Any, ...]) –

  • target (Any) –

  • edge (Any) –

  • trace (Tuple[Any, ...]) –

  • state (Any) –

  • stack (Tuple[Any, ...]) –

  • stack_top (Any) –

  • c (Any) –

  • edge_symbol_table (Optional[Table]) –

  • transition_table (Optional[Table]) –

  • is_reversed (ClassVar[bool]) –

  • stepped_over_functions (ClassVar[set[str]]) –

  • cfl (ClassVar[bool]) –

Return type


c: Any
cfl: ClassVar[bool] = False
edge: Any
edge_symbol_table: Optional[Table] = None
info: Any
classmethod initial_stack() Null
Return type


classmethod initial_state() Null
Return type


is_reversed: ClassVar[bool] = False
classmethod populate_edge_symbol_table(graph: mate_query.db.Graph) None

graph (mate_query.db.Graph) –

Return type


classmethod populate_transition_table(graph: mate_query.db.Graph) None

graph (mate_query.db.Graph) –

Return type


source: Any
source_stack: Tuple[Any, ...]
stack: Tuple[Any, ...]
stack_top: Any
state: Any
stepped_over_functions: ClassVar[set[str]]
target: Any
trace: Tuple[Any, ...]
transition_table: Optional[Table] = None
class mate_query.db.PathBuilder(PathBase: Type[Path] = <class 'mate_query.db.Path'>)

Bases: object

A builder class for enumerating paths in a graph.

PathBuilder supports “CFL-reachability queries” (CFL stands for “context-free language”). These queries have two parts:

  1. In a pre-processing step, each edge in the graph is labeled with some symbol (string).

  2. The graph is explored one path at a time by a push-down automaton (PDA) that reads the edge labels and recognizes strings in a context-free grammar.

These queries return the set of all paths in the graph (that start at some set of nodes) where the edge labels on that path form a string in the context-free language recognized by the PDA.

For example the “balanced parentheses” context-free language can be used to encode the problem of finding control-flow graph (CFG) paths that have a balanced number of calls and returns.

Step (2) above can be accomplished by any number of specialized algorithms, but the PDA approach is relatively simple and it’s the only one MATE has so far.

The state of the PDA and its set of transitions are kept in a dedicated database tables, see _make_path_table and _make_transition_table respectively, and the comments on their columns especially.

To perform a transition, the PDA state table is first joined against its transition table, and then joined against the edge symbol table. This join order is more performant than vice-versa, because the edge table is typically way bigger. At each step, the automation can make multiple transitions (end up in multiple new states).

Because the PDA state is kept in a table, and a table is like a set of tuples (configurations), we get some cycle-avoidance for free. However, this can get more complicated if the stack or trace is kept as part of the PDA configuration/state, because while these are theoretically bounded in practice they can be too big. See the exploration_bound parameter to build.


PathBase (Type[Path]) –

build(graph: Graph, *, keep_start: bool = True, keep_trace: bool = False, keep_edge: bool = False, exploration_bound: int = 5000000) Type[Path]

Concretize the path set defined by this builder, with respect to the given graph.

  • keep_start – record the starting node for each path

  • keep_trace – record the sequence of edges visited by the path

  • keep_edge – record the last edge visited by the path

  • exploration_bound – the maximum number of path configurations to visit during exploration (not a bound on path length)

  • graph (Graph) –

  • keep_start (bool) –

  • keep_trace (bool) –

  • keep_edge (bool) –

  • exploration_bound (int) –

Return type


All of the keep_* options have some performance cost if enabled. keep_trace is especially expensive.

Returns a new Path class, mapped to the view represeting the path set.

static build_conjoined_predicate(predicates: List[Callable]) Optional[Callable]

predicates (List[Callable]) –

Return type


continuing_while(*continue_predicates: Callable[[Type[Path], Type[Edge]], ColumnElement], edge_detail: bool = True) PB

Set a predicate on configurations and edges which must be satisfied by all edges on a valid traversal.

This method takes as argument a callable, which is provided with a Path object of the PathBuilder’s current configuration and an edge object of the underlying graph during build, and must return a valid where-clause-compatible expression.

The optional argument edge_detail specifies whether the predicate inspects properties of the edge other than its source, target, or UUID

  • self (PB) –

  • continue_predicates (Callable[[Type[Path], Type[Edge]], ColumnElement]) –

  • edge_detail (bool) –

Return type


initial_configuration(cte: CTE) PB

Provide an initial set of configurations (node, stack, and info) at which to start the traversal.

This method takes as argument a SQLAlchemy common table expression, which must have columns “uuid”, “stack”, and “info” containing the UUID of the start node, the starting stack, and an information string (which may be null), respectively.

  • self (PB) –

  • cte (CTE) –

Return type


limited_to(max_length: int) mate_query.db.PB

Limit the maximum length of the traversal.

  • self (mate_query.db.PB) –

  • max_length (int) –

Return type


reverse() mate_query.db.PB

Reverse the direction of traversal.

This causes the traversal to be jump from target -> source rather than from source -> target; edge IDs in any resulting trace must be interpreted as such.

Repeated reversals will undo each other.


self (mate_query.db.PB) –

Return type


starting_at(*start_predicates: Callable[[Type[Node]], ColumnElement]) PB

Set a predicate on nodes which starts the traversal.

This method takes as argument a callable, which is provided with a Node object of the underlying graph during build, and must return a valid where-clause-compatible expression.

  • self (PB) –

  • start_predicates (Callable[[Type[Node]], ColumnElement]) –

Return type


stepping_over(*stepped_over_functions: str) mate_query.db.PB

Specify a set of functions to step over during control-flow traversal.

  • self (mate_query.db.PB) –

  • stepped_over_functions (str) –

Return type


stopping_at(*stop_predicates: Callable[[Type[Node]], ColumnElement]) PB

Set a predicate on nodes which stops the traversal.

This method takes as argument a callable, which is provided with a Node object of the underlying graph during build, and must return a valid where-clause-compatible expression.

  • self (PB) –

  • stop_predicates (Callable[[Type[Node]], ColumnElement]) –

Return type


class mate_query.db.Session(bind=None, autoflush=True, expire_on_commit=True, _enable_transaction_accounting=True, autocommit=False, twophase=False, weak_identity_map=None, binds=None, extension=None, enable_baked_queries=True, info=None, query_cls=None)

Bases: sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session

graph_from_build(build: mate_query.db.Build) mate_query.db.Graph

build (mate_query.db.Build) –

Return type


class mate_query.db.SubgraphBuilder

Bases: object

A builder class for subgraphs.

Return type


build(graph: mate_query.db.Graph) mate_query.db.Graph

Concretize the subgraph defined by this builder, with respect to the given graph.


graph (mate_query.db.Graph) –

Return type


with_edge_kinds(*kinds: mate_common.models.cpg_types.mate.EdgeKind) mate_query.db.SubgraphBuilder

Specify a set of edge kinds to be included within the subgraph.


kinds (mate_common.models.cpg_types.mate.EdgeKind) –

Return type


with_node_kinds(*kinds: mate_common.models.cpg_types.mate.NodeKind) mate_query.db.SubgraphBuilder

Specify a set of node kinds to be included within the subgraph.


kinds (mate_common.models.cpg_types.mate.NodeKind) –

Return type


exception mate_query.db.UninitializedDatabaseError

Bases: mate_common.error.MateError

An exception denoting an attempted use of an uninitialized database.

mate_query.db.build_model_classes(build: str) Tuple[Type[BaseNode], Type[BaseEdge]]

build (str) –

Return type

Tuple[Type[BaseNode], Type[BaseEdge]]

mate_query.db.emit_lock(element: Any, _compiler: Any, **_kw: Dict[str, Any]) str
  • element (Any) –

  • _compiler (Any) –

  • _kw (Dict[str, Any]) –

Return type


mate_query.db.emit_view(element: Any, compiler: Any, **_kw: Dict[str, Any]) str
  • element (Any) –

  • compiler (Any) –

  • _kw (Dict[str, Any]) –

Return type


mate_query.db.initialize(connection_string: str, echo: bool = False, create: bool = False) None
  • connection_string (str) –

  • echo (bool) –

  • create (bool) –

Return type


mate_query.db.join_collapse_limit(session: orm.Session) Iterator[None]

session (orm.Session) –

Return type


mate_query.db.new_session() sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session
Return type


mate_query.db.session_scope() Iterator[orm.Session]
Return type


mate_query.db.set_n_distinct(session: orm.Session, tablename: str, columns: Set[str], n_distinct: int) None
  • session (orm.Session) –

  • tablename (str) –

  • columns (Set[str]) –

  • n_distinct (int) –

Return type
