Debugging Program Build Failures

This page describes how to debug issues related to compiling programs and building the associated Code Property Graph (CPG).

When turning a program into a CPG, MATE goes through two primary phases: it first compiles the program into LLVM bitcode, and then it builds one or more CPGs from that bitcode. Both phases have multiple internal steps, each of which can fail. The sections below will help you debug some of the common sources of failures.


The debugging information below does not include environmental failure conditions, such as out-of-memory (OOM) errors or disk space exhaustion.

Identifying the kind of failure

To start debugging MATE’s behavior, we first need to know which phase (compilation or building) actually failed. To do this, we can start by checking the status of the compilation that we kicked off:

$ mate-cli compile get YOUR-COMPILATION-ID

This will return a JSON blob with metadata about the compilation, including a state field that indicates the compilation’s status:

    "artifact_ids": [
    "build_ids": ["0a9d399e84eb4a21a1a849e4467015c1"],
    "compilation_id": "1bc760aa2ce54cc399c112818879ba6d",
    "options": {
        "containerized": false,
        "containerized_infer_build": true,
        "extra_compiler_flags": [],
        "make_targets": null,
        "testbed": null
    "source_artifact": {
        "artifact_id": "71d004a9b9df42ea925950e274636d25",
        "attributes": {
            "filename": "mini-fenway-uaf.c"
        "has_object": true,
        "kind": "compile-target:c"
    "state": "compiled"

"state": "created" indicates a freshly created compilation. Compilations should only be in this state for an extremely short period, i.e. for a few milliseconds until they’re picked up by the execution service. A compilation that lingers in this state is a potential indicator of an environmental failure in MATE itself, such as the executor service crashing. Consult docker service ls for more information. Keep in mind, however, that high load on the executor service may also result in pending compilations in the created state — if the services look healthy, then it’s likely that the compilation is simply scheduled behind other tasks and needs some time.

"state": "compiling" indicates a compilation that’s still in progress, meaning that it can’t be used to produce CPG builds yet. A compilation process that stays in the compiling state for an unusually long time (i.e., more than an order of magnitude longer than the compilation would take outside of MATE) might indicate an error in MATE itself. No debugging action is immediately required for a compilation in this state.

"state": "compiled" indicates a successful compilation, producing one or more bitcode outputs that are suitable for the CPG build pipeline. Follow the steps under Debugging a CPG build for debugging failed builds once you’ve turned a compilation into CPG builds.

"state": "failed" affirmatively indicates a failed compilation phase. Follow the steps under Debugging a compilation.

Debugging a compilation

To begin debugging a compilation, follow these steps:

  1. First, check the Docker logs for the executor service, which handles compilation tasks. This will probably either be docker service logs mate_executor_1 or docker container logs mate_executor_1, depending on your deployment.

    The most common sources of compilation errors at this level are as follows:

    1. Compiler and linker flag errors. MATE runs compilations either in its own environment or in a container, depending on how the compilation was requested. In both cases, MATE uses its own build of the LLVM compiler toolchain for the individual build steps.

      This introduces several avenues of failure. For non-containerized compilations, the MATE environment may be missing linkage or tool dependencies. Alternatively, the MATE LLVM toolchain may not have the correct language or flag features for the target.

  2. If the Docker logs don’t show any errors or the formatting of the errors is too difficult to follow, you may be able to obtain additional context from the compilation-only log stored with each containerized compilation attempt.

    To get this log, you can request all containerized compilation logs from the REST API and select just the one corresponding to your compilation ID:

    mate-cli artifact get --kind compile-output:compile-log

    Once you have the artifact ID for the container log of interest, you can request the raw log contents:

    mate-cli artifact dump ARTIFACT-ID | less

Fixing Your Compilation

If you encounter any of the above failure modes, compilations can be re-created using the REST API after applying workarounds and fixes.

Compilation Step Failures

If an individual step within the compilation process (such as a call to the C compiler) fails, you can try the following workarounds:

  1. Disable build inference and run with an explicit set of make targets.

    For example, a compilation that only needs the make server command:

    http POST localhost:8666/api/v1/compilations \
       kind="your-target-kind" \
       handle="your-target-handle" \
       options:='{"containerized_infer_build": false, "make_targets": ["server"]}'
  2. Inject additional compiler flags into each cc and c++ invocation.

    If you see individual compiler commands failing because of incorrect or overly conservative flags, you can add additional flags to every compilation step:

    http POST localhost:8666/api/v1/compilations \
       kind="your-target-kind" \
       handle="your-target-handle" \
       options:='{"extra_compiler_flags": ["-some", "-extras"]}'

    Note that these flags are added to every compiler step, and that MATE already performs some flag manipulation by default (such as removing -Werror).

  3. Attempt a combination of the above.

Debugging a build

To debug a build, we can start by retrieving the build’s status from the REST API:

mate-cli compile get YOUR-BUILD-ID

This will return a JSON blob (abbreviated below) with metadata about the build, including a state field that indicates the build’s status:

    "artifact_ids": [
    "artifacts": [],
    "bitcode_artifact": {
        "artifact_id": "51b37cc4ef154a9aae000c2c70be3e8d",
        "attributes": {
            "compile_output": "c61de4d26c2d46bcba36eef744cb5355",
            "filename": "tmpm9zfpcsn.bc"
        "has_object": true,
        "kind": "compile-output:bitcode"
    "build_id": "0a9d399e84eb4a21a1a849e4467015c1",
    "compilation": { ... },
    "mantiserve_task_ids": [],
    "options": { ... },
    "state": "built"

Like with compilations, "state": "created" indicates a freshly created build. Builds should only be in the created state for an extremely short amount of time, under normal amounts of system load. A build that lingers in the created state for more than a few seconds is a potential indicator of an environmental failure in MATE itself, such as the executor service crashing. To confirm whether a MATE service has crashed, inspect the state of the Docker services with docker service ls.

"state": "building" indicates an in-progress CPG build. No debugging action is required for a build in this state.

"state": "inserting" indicates a CPG build that has finished and is being turned into its final database representation. No debugging action is required for a build in this state.

"state": "failed" affirmatively indicates a failed CPG build. To get to the root cause of the build failure, follow these steps:

  1. First, check the Docker logs for the executor service, which handles build tasks. This will probably either be docker service logs mate_executor_1 or docker container logs mate_executor_1, depending on your deployment.

    The most common sources of build errors at this level are as follows:

    1. Errors during recompilation. In order to produce a CPG that contains LLVM backend and binary-level features, MATE “recompiles” the bitcode produced during the compilation phase with additional instrumentation. Like the original compilation process, this is susceptible to compiler configuration and linker flag errors.

      In particular, MATE attempts to produce as complete of a CPG as possible by merging the bitcode produced by the compilation phase with the bitcodes of any static or dynamic libraries produced by the same target’s build system that we infer as dependencies. This process isn’t perfect, and can cause linker errors for missing or duplicated symbols.

    2. Errors and assertions during pointer analysis. MATE’s pointer analysis component contains assertions for unexpected conditions, which will cause a build failure if hit. The pointer analysis component may also abort with a segmentation fault on certain pathological bitcode inputs, or with a floating point exception.

    3. Resource exhaustion. MATE’s pointer analysis is limited to 32GB of RAM by default (or the value of MATE_DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT_GB, if that environment variables is set in the MATE server container). If the pointer analysis exceeds the limit, the build will fail with an error message indicating it could not allocate enough memory. If more resources are available, consider re-running the build with a higher limit set via the build option memory_limit_mb.

    4. Errors and assertions during CPG construction. One of MATE’s last stages involves drawing edges from the LLVM-level nodes to the backend and binary-level nodes. This process attempts to be resilient, but makes certain fundamental assumptions about the correspondence between the different program representations (e.g., that arguments to a function recorded in the program’s DWARF information correspond approximately to the LLVM-level arguments to an LLVM-level function). Violations of these assumptions produce an assertion, which is propagated as a build error.

  2. Certain subcomponents of the build phase run as native LLVM passes, and cannot log directly to Docker. When reviewing the Docker logs above fails, these subcomponent logs may be of more help. One or more more messages in the Docker logs will indicate which subcomponent logs to inspect:

    1. A log message starting with Wedlock encountered some interesting conditions indicates that the “Wedlock” log should be inspected. The “Wedlock” log is stored as the build-output:quotidian-wedlock-log artifact for the build.

    2. A log message starting with Headache encountered some interesting conditions indicates that the “Headache” log should be inspected. The “Headache” log is stored as the build-output:quotidian-headache-log artifact for the build.

    In both cases, you can use the REST API to retrieve the log’s contents:

    # change this as necessary
    artifact_id=$(http "localhost:8666/api/v1/artifacts?kind=${target_log}&detail=true" | \
                   jq -r --arg build_id "${build_id}" \
                   '.[] | select(.build_ids | select(.[] == $build_id)) | .artifact_id')
    http localhost:8666/api/v1/artifacts/${artifact_id}/object | less

Fixing Your Build

If you encounter any of the above failure modes, builds can be re-created using the REST API after applying workarounds and fixes.


POI analyses are not run automatically for builds initiated by the REST API. To run POI analyses for a manually-created build, wait until the built has completed (its state is reported as built), and then submit a request with mate-cli or to the api/v1/analyses/run/{build_id} endpoint supplying the build ID:

mate-cli analysis run YOUR-BUILD-ID

Pointer Analysis Issues

If you encounter resource exhaustion in the pointer analysis, you can try the following workarounds:

  1. Try rebuilding with more RAM by setting the memory_limit_mb build option (though this might just fail again and/or take a long time, depending on the program).

  2. Try rebuilding with the unification analysis (see the pointer_analysis build option).

  3. Try building with less context-sensitivity (see the context_sensitivity build option). The default is 2-callsite, so you might try 2-caller, 1-callsite or even insensitive. The resulting analysis will be less precise, but hopefully more scalable.

  4. Try building without bitcode merging, i.e., set merge_library_bitcode to false. The resulting CPG may not be “complete” in the sense that it might not contain a representation of the whole program with all its accompanying libraries. Some programs may fail to build with merge_library_bitcode set to false, particularly if they use complex linking instructions (e.g., libtool-based build systems).

Machine-code Mapping Issues

If you encounter errors in the machine-code mapping phase (“quotidian”), you can try disabling it entirely. This will not affect any current POIs, although it will make MATE’s integration with Manticore nonfunctional for this particular CPG.

To disable machine-code mapping, set the machine_code_mapping build option to false.