
Notable Features

Subset and Unification Analyses

There are two widely-used paradigms in constructing pointer analyses: subset-based and unification-based. Unification-based analyses are generally highly scalable, but less precise than comparable subset-based analyses. cclyzer++ provides both.

See the implementation documentation for information about the unification-based analysis.

Configurable Context Sensitivity and Heap Cloning

Context-sensitive pointer analyses are often more precise than context-insensitive ones, but their performance is less predictable. cclyzer++ provides a variety of context sensitivity strategies and depths, including k-callsite. The choice of context sensitivity can be configured at runtime.

cclyzer++ also performs heap cloning, matching whichever strategy is chosen for context-sensitivity.

Modeling Library Functions

cclyzer++ supports modeling external functions with signatures which summarize their effect on memory. Signatures can be used to model functions from libc or other external libraries. Such models are crucial for soundness. See Signatures for details on how to create signatures.

Language Support

cclyzer++ has primarily been tested on LLVM code produced by Clang 10 through 14 when compiling from C and C++ for x86_64. Your mileage may vary with other languages, compilers, and targets.


The following papers significantly influenced the development of cclyzer++.

  • Bravenboer, M. and Smaragdakis, Y., 2009, October. Strictly declarative specification of sophisticated points-to analyses. In Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications (pp. 243-262).

  • Balatsouras, G. and Smaragdakis, Y., 2016, September. Structure-sensitive points-to analysis for C and C++. In International Static Analysis Symposium (pp. 84-104). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

The pointer analysis tutorial of Smaragdakis and Balatsouras was also quite helpful.

Comparison to cclyzer

As mentioned above, cclyzer++ is based on cclyzer. The major differences are that cclyzer++

On the less impactful side, cclyzer++ also

  • includes assertions about correctness

  • improves on the heuristic that controls array suballocations (see allocations-subobjects.dl)

  • tracks suballocation sizes and offsets (see allocations-subobjects.dl)

  • soundly handles argv

  • has additional documentation (both code-level comments and higher-level documents such as this one)

Many thanks to the authors of cclyzer for their contributions! The cclyzer license is included with the source distribution of cclyzer++ as LICENSE-cclyzer.txt.

Project Status

cclyzer++ is actively developed and maintained by Galois, Inc. Points of contact are: Langston Barrett (email: langston at galois dot com) Scott Moore (email: scott at galois dot com).


Since v0.4.0, cclyzer++ has attempted to follow semantic versioning 2.0.0.

LLVM Library Version

cclyzer++ currently builds against LLVM 14 by default and can be built with previous versions 13 through 10. cclyzer++ can be built with LLVM 15, but the analysis does not yet support opaque pointers.

Development Tools

cclyzer++ currently builds with Clang 12 or Clang 14 (including other Clang tools such as clang-format and clang-tidy). There are plans to build with Clang 15.