
Running Tests

The tests are run with Pytest. They require compiling cclyzer++ first.

cmake --build build -j $(nproc)
pytest test/

To make new golden tests, set MAKE_GOLD_TESTS=1 in the environment. To run extra tests, set EXTRA_TESTS=1.

Cutting a Release

  • Create branch with a name starting with release.

  • Ensure that the Changelog is up to date.

  • Bump the project version``CMakeLists.txt``.

  • Check that CI was successful on the release branch.

  • Merge the release branch to main.

  • Delete the release branch.

  • Create and push a new tag on main that starts with v, and ends with a semantic version i.e., vX.Y.Z.

  • Wait for CI, then publish the draft release it created.

Worked example:

git checkout -b release
# Make changes, push, wait, then merge release into main and delete release
git checkout main
git pull
git tag -a v0.Y.Z -m v0.Y.Z
git push --tags

Naming Conventions

Due to historical circumstance, cclyzer++ has many different naming conventions in use in the Datalog code. The conventions in this section are prescriptive, but only apply to new code.


Names must strike a balance between brevity and comprehensibility. This section enumerates abbreviations that are considered reasonable trade-offs in this space. This judgment is highly subjective, but must be made somehow.

  • asm: Assembly

  • attr: Attribute

  • block: LLVM basic block

  • calling_conv: Calling convention

  • const: Constant

  • global_var: Global variable

  • expr: Expression

  • func: Function

  • gep: getelementptr (this is the only abbreviated opcode)

  • instr: Instruction

  • int: Integer

  • param: Parameter

  • ptr: Pointer

  • var: Variable

  • vec: Vector

Explicitly not further abbreviated, because they are already fairly short, or they are not common enough when speaking about LLVM to readily disambiguate them from abbreviations for other terms:

  • array

  • inl: Could mean “inline” or “left injection”

  • pred: Could mean “predicate” or “predecessor”

  • succ: Could mean “successor” or “success”

  • struct

type is for relations about types themselves, whereas ty is used for relating an entity to its type.

Debugging Regressions

See scripts/

Performance Tuning

Soufflé has some documentation on improving performance. In addition to what’s stated there, it’s often helpful to look at Soufflé’s RAM IR by passing the --show=transformed-ram flag to Soufflé. The RAM representation explicitly shows the effect of query plans (.plan directives and SIPS) and semi-naïve evaluation.