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Namespace fiveui.jquery

Defined in: jquery-plugins.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

This module provides several useful jQuery plugins related to checking and reporting UI consistency issues.

Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
fiveui.jquery.attrFilter(a, fn)

General attribute filter

This plugin filters for elements whose attribute `a` pass the predicate `fn`, which should take a string and return true or false.

fiveui.jquery.cssIs(prop, set, fn)

General CSS property checker plugin

This plugin filters elements, keeping only elements whose CSS property `prop` is a member of the given array `cset`.

fiveui.jquery.cssIsNot(prop, set, fn)

Negated version of fiveui.jquery.cssIs

Behaves exactly like fiveui.jquery.cssIs - except that this version excludes elements that have CSS properties and values that match.


Wrapper for the :contains('text') selector


Visually highlight elements in the jQuery object.


Filter out elements that do not contain the attribute href=`href`.


Filter for elements which lack of the given attribute.

fiveui.jquery.noSubElt(sel, A)

Filter for elements having no sub-elements matching the given selector.


Color checker plugin: filters for elements whose CSS color property is not in the given set.

fiveui.jquery.propDist(prop, log)

Returns a list of css properties that element in the jQuery object have.

Namespace Detail

This module provides several useful jQuery plugins related to checking and reporting UI consistency issues.

Method Detail
<static> {Object} fiveui.jquery.attrFilter(a, fn)

General attribute filter

This plugin filters for elements whose attribute `a` pass the predicate `fn`, which should take a string and return true or false. Elements that don't have the attribute are automatically filtered out.

$('input').attrFilter('type', function(t) { return t === 'checkbox'; });
{string} a
element attribute name
{Function} fn
a predicate to run on the element attribute
{Object} jQuery object

<static> {Object} fiveui.jquery.cssIs(prop, set, fn)

General CSS property checker plugin

This plugin filters elements, keeping only elements whose CSS property `prop` is a member of the given array `cset`. The names in `cset` and the CSS values that are checked are transformed using the optional given function `fn`. This may be used to normalize values that the browser returns so they can be compared to values in `cset`.

var div = $('<div style="visibility:hidden"></div>')
div.cssIs('visibility', ['hidden', 'visible'])  // returns the same div
{string} prop
CSS property selector
{string|string[]} set
allowable values (either a string or an array of strings)
{function(string):string} fn Optional
Function to apply to return values of $(this).css(prop), fn defaults to the identity function.
{Object} jQuery object

<static> {Object} fiveui.jquery.cssIsNot(prop, set, fn)

Negated version of fiveui.jquery.cssIs

Behaves exactly like fiveui.jquery.cssIs - except that this version excludes elements that have CSS properties and values that match.

var div = $('<div style="visibility:hidden"></div>')
div.cssIsNot('visibility', ['hidden', 'visible'])  // returns empty result
{string} prop
CSS property selector
{string|string[]} set
allowable values (either a string or an array of strings)
{function(string):string} fn Optional
Function to apply to return values of $(this).css(prop), fn defaults to the identity function.
{Object} jQuery object

<static> {!Object} fiveui.jquery.hasText(text)

Wrapper for the :contains('text') selector

$('div').hasText('to remove').remove();
{!string} text
Text to select for
{!Object} A modified jQuery object

<static> {!Object} fiveui.jquery.highlight(hint)

Visually highlight elements in the jQuery object.

This plugin is useful mostly in the process of writing guidelines, for example the guideline developer can load a page, click the "Break" button on the FiveUI window, enter the browser's Javascript console, and run:

> $5("p").hasText("foo").highlight();
{string} hint Optional
Highlighted border color, defaults to "red"
{!Object} A modified jQuery object

<static> {Object} fiveui.jquery.linksTo(href)

Filter out elements that do not contain the attribute href=`href`.

{string} href
the href to look for
{Object} jQuery object

<static> {!Object} fiveui.jquery.noAttr(attribute)

Filter for elements which lack of the given attribute. (see also fiveui.jquery.attrFilter)

$('<table></table>').noAttr('summary').each(function(idx, table) {
  // `table` is a table element that does not have a "summary"
  // attribute or that has a "summary" attribute that is empty.
{!string} attribute
{!Object} a filtered jQuery object

<static> fiveui.jquery.noSubElt(sel, A)

Filter for elements having no sub-elements matching the given selector.

Example: the following should contain no elements
// Returns an empty result because the <div> contains a <p> element.
{!string} sel
a jQuery selector
{!Object} A
filtered jQuery object

<static> {!Object} fiveui.jquery.notColorSet(cset)

Color checker plugin: filters for elements whose CSS color property is not in the given set.

Note: This is a special case of fiveui.jquery.cssIsNot, i.e. $(..).notColorSet(set) == $(..).cssIsNot("color", set, fiveui.color.colorToHex)

{string[]} cset
An array of allowable color strings
{!Object} A modified jQuery object

<static> {Object} fiveui.jquery.propDist(prop, log)

Returns a list of css properties that element in the jQuery object have.

This plugin is useful for analysis of a given page when writing guielines. For example if the guideline developer wants to know what font sizes are used on a loaded page, they can run from the Javascript console:

> $5("*").propDist("font-size", true);
{string} prop
CSS property to be inspected
{boolean} log Optional
Boolean which enables console logging of the result; default is `false`.
{Object} A frequence map { "property": frequency }