Implicit Lifting

At its core, DaeDaLus has three semantics categories:

  • semantic values (names start with a lower case letter),

  • character classes (names start with $), and

  • parsers (names start with an upper case letter).

Various language constructs have expectations about the kinds of entities they would be used with. For example:

  • the operator + expects two semantic values;

  • the construct $[ ] expects a character class;

  • the construct Many expects a parser.

DaeDaLus allows more flexible expressions where language constructs and declarations may be used with arguments that do not exactly match the expected categories, subject to the following conversions:




Value x

Char Class

[x] singleton char class

Value x


^ x succeed with the value

Char Class $x


Not allowed

Char Class $x


$[ $x ] match the char class

In addition to these conversions, DaeDaLus also allows using parsers in contexts where semantic values are expected, as long as the overall expression was already a parser. For example, while + normally expects two semantic values, we also allow expressions like P + Q where + is used with two parsers as arguments.

The meaning of such expressions is that we first execute the parsers in left-to-right order, and then apply the function to their results. For example, P + Q is exactly equivalent to the following parser:

  let x = P
  let y = Q
  ^ (x + y)