REPL Commands



Execute a command in the shell

:? TOPIC, :help TOPIC

Display a brief description of a function, type, or command. (e.g. :help :help)

TOPIC can be any of:
  • Specific REPL colon-commands (e.g. :help :prove)

  • Functions (e.g. :help join)

  • Infix operators (e.g. :help +)

  • Type constructors (e.g. :help Z)

  • Type constraints (e.g. :help fin)

  • :set-able options (e.g. :help :set base)

:ast EXPR

Print out the pre-typechecked AST of a given term.

:b MODULE, :browse MODULE

Display information about loaded modules.

With no argument, :browse shows information about the names in scope. With an argument M, shows information about the names exported from M.

:cd DIR

Set the current working directory.

:check [EXPR]

Use random testing to check that the argument always returns true. (If no argument, check all properties.)

By default, this will check up to 100 test cases, or until the possible inputs are exhausted. This value can be changed with :set tests=[NEW VAL].

:debug_specialize EXPR

Do type specialization on a closed expression.

:dumptests FILE EXPR

Dump a tab-separated collection of tests for the given expression into a file. The first column in each line is the expected output, and the remainder are the inputs. The number of tests is determined by the tests option.

:e FILE, :edit FILE

Edit FILE or the currenly loaded module.

:eval EXPR

Evaluate an expression with the reference evaluator.

:exhaust [EXPR]

Use exhaustive testing to prove that the argument always returns true. (If no argument, check all properties.)


Print out the post-typechecked AST of all currently defined terms, in a Coq- parseable format.

:file-deps FILE

Show information about the dependencies of a file.

:generate-foreign-header FILE

Generate a C header file from foreign declarations in a Cryptol file.

Converts all foreign declarations in the given Cryptol file into C function declarations, and writes them to a file with the same name but with a .h extension.

:l FILE, :load FILE

Load a module by filename.

:m [MODULE], :module [MODULE]

Load a module by its name.

:module-deps MODULE

Show information about the dependencies of a module.


Randomly generate and set a new seed for the random number generator.

:prove [EXPR]

Use an external solver to prove that the argument always returns true. (If no argument, check all properties.)

If the expression is successfully proven, the screen will display Q.E.D. If not, the screen will display a counterexample that returns false.

:q, :quit

Exit the REPL.

:r, :reload

Reload the currently loaded module.

:readByteArray FILE

Read data from a file as type fin n => [n][8], binding the value to variable it.


Set an environmental option (:set on its own displays current values).

:safe [EXPR]

Uses an external solver to prove that an expression is safe (does not encounter run-time errors) for all inputs.

:sat [EXPR]

Uses a solver to find a satisfying assignment for which the argument returns true. (If no argument, find an assignment for all properties.)

By default, this will return one assignment, but that can be updated with :set satNum=VAL

:set-seed SEED

Seed the random number generator for operations using randomness.

A seed takes the form of either a single integer or a 4-tuple of unsigned 64-bit integers. Examples of commands using randomness are :dumpTests and :check.

:t EXPR, :type EXPR

Check the type of an expression.

:time EXPR

Measure the time it takes to evaluate the given expression.

The expression will be evaluated many times to get accurate results. Note that the first evaluation of a binding may take longer due to laziness, and this may affect the reported time. If this is not desired then make sure to evaluate the expression once first before running :time.

The amount of time to spend collecting measurements can be changed with the timeMeasurementPeriod option.

Reports the average wall clock time, CPU time, and cycles. (Cycles are in unspecified units that may be CPU cycles.)

Binds the result to

it : { avgTime : Float64
        , avgCpuTime : Float64
        , avgCycles : Integer }

Displays the version of the Cryptol executable.

:w FILE EXPR, :writeByteArray FILE EXPR

Write data of type fin n => [n][8] to a file.

:set Options

:set base

Default value: 16

Valid values: 2, 8, 10, 16

The base to display words at

:set debug

Default value: off

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Enable debugging output

:set ascii

Default value: off

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Whether to display 7- or 8-bit words using ASCII notation

:set infLength

Default value: 5

Valid values: any positive integer

The number of elements to display for infinite sequences

:set tests

Default value: 100

Valid values: any positive integer

The number of random tests to try with :check

:set satNum

Default value: 1

Valid values: any positive integer, all

The maximum number of :sat solutions to display (“all” for no limits)

:set prover

Default value: z3

Valid values: cvc4, cvc5, yices, z3, boolector, mathsat, abc, bitwuzla, offline, any, sbv-cvc4, sbv-cvc5, sbv-yices, sbv-z3, sbv-boolector, sbv-mathsat, sbv-abc, sbv-bitwuzla, sbv-offline, sbv-any, w4-cvc4, w4-cvc5, w4-yices, w4-z3, w4-boolector, w4-abc, w4-bitwuzla, w4-offline, w4-any

The external SMT solver for :prove and :sat

:set warnDefaulting

Default value: off

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Choose whether to display warnings when defaulting

:set warnShadowing

Default value: on

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Choose whether to display warnings when shadowing symbols

:set warnPrefixAssoc

Default value: on

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Choose whether to display warnings when expression association has changed due to new prefix operator fixities

:set warnUninterp

Default value: on

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Choose whether to issue a warning when uninterpreted functions are used to implement primitives in the symbolic simulator

:set warnNonExhaustiveConstraintGuards

Default value: on

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Choose whether to issue a warning when a use of constraint guards is not determined to be exhaustive

:set smtFile

Default value: -

Valid values: Any file path, -

The file to use for SMT-Lib scripts (for debugging or offline proving). Use - for stdout

:set path

Default value:

Valid values: Any file path, empty

The search path for finding named Cryptol modules

:set monoBinds

Default value: on

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Whether or not to generalize bindings in a where clause

:set tcSolver

Default value: z3 -smt2 -in

Valid values: a valid executable

The solver that will be used by the type checker

:set tcDebug

Default value: 0

Valid values: 0, any positive integer

Enable type-checker debugging output:
  • 0 no debug output

  • 1 show type-checker debug info

  • >1 show type-checker debug info and interactions with SMT solver

:set coreLint

Default value: off

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Enable sanity checking of type-checker

:set hashConsing

Default value: on

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Enable hash-consing in the What4 symbolic backends

:set proverStats

Default value: on

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Enable prover timing statistics

:set proverValidate

Default value: off

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Validate :sat examples and :prove counter-examples for correctness

:set showExamples

Default value: on

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Print the (counter) examples after :sat or :prove

:set fpBase

Default value: 16

Valid values: 2, 8, 10, 16

The base to display floating point numbers at

:set fpFormat

Default value: free

Valid values: free, free+exp, .NUM, NUM, NUM+exp

Specifies the format to use when displaying floating point numbers:
  • free show using as many digits as needed

  • free+exp like free but always show exponent

  • .NUM show NUM (>=1) digits after floating point

  • NUM show using NUM (>=1) significant digits

  • NUM+exp like NUM but always show exponent

:set ignoreSafety

Default value: off

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Ignore safety predicates when performing :sat or :prove checks

:set fieldOrder

Default value: display

Valid values: display, canonical

The order that record fields are displayed in
  • display try to match the order they were written in the source code

  • canonical use a predictable, canonical order

:set timeMeasurementPeriod

Default value: 10

Valid values: any positive integer

The period of time in seconds to spend collecting measurements when running :time.

This is a lower bound and the actual time taken may be higher if the evaluation takes a long time.

:set timeQuiet

Default value: off

Valid values: off, on, false, true

Suppress output of :time command and only bind result to it