A _property_ is a Cryptol value of the form
{A1, ..., AL} (C1, ..., CM) => T1 -> ... -> TN -> Bit
where L, M, N >= 0.
The user can annotated a declaration as a property with the property keyword, like so:
property reverseInvolution xs = reverse (reverse xs) == xs
There are several REPL commands that interact with declarations annotated as properties, such as :check, :prove, and :sat. If the user runs one of these commands without any arguments, then all such properties are used, sequentially, as an argument.
For example, if the user loads the following module into the REPL,
module Sort where
sort : {n} (Ord n) => [n] -> [n]
sort xs = ...
isSorted : {n} (Ord n) => [n] -> Bit
isSorted xs = ...
isPermutation : {n} (Eq n) => [n] -> [n] -> Bit
isPermutation xs ys = ...
property isSorted_sort xs = isSorted (sort xs)
property isPermutation_sort = isPermutation (sort xs)
then they can run the REPL command
Sort> :check
To use random testing to check whether isSorted_sort and isPermutation_sort hold. In other words, it is the same as running
Sort> :check isSorted_sort
Sort> :check isPermutation_sort
To test a property prop, the user enters the following command into the Cryptol REPL:
By default, this command performs the following:
Check the type of prop. For each type variable of kind *, choose a default type that satisfies all its constraints. For the type numeric type variables (of kind #), use numeric literal sampling to gather a collection of type assignment, each of which is tested seperately. If numeric literal sampling fails, then try to use a default assignment provided by the SMT solver instead (this is likely to be a trivial solution).
If prop is a valid property, compute the size of its input space, otherwise fail. If the size is at most equal to the environment variable tests, then use exhaustive checking, otherwise use random testing.
If using exhaustive checking, then evaluate prop on every input. If using random testing, evaluate prop on randomly sampled inputs.
The REPL command :exhaust will test using exhaustive testing.
Numeric Literal Sampling
Numeric literal sampling attempts to find a well-distributed sampling of type assignments that satisfy a set of numeric type constriants.
The subset of type constraints supported is defined by the following grammar:
Note that type constraint synonyms are expanded, e.g. x <= y is expanded to y >= x.
The following is a high-level description of the sampling algorithm:
Check that the user’s constraints fall into the domain of constraints handled by this algorithm. Relations and operations handled by this algorithm are:
Convert the constraints into a system of linear equations and a set of typeclass constraints (such as fin).
e1 <= e2 converts to e1 + n = e2 where n is a fresh numeric type variable.
… e % n … converts to (… m …, n*l + m = e) where l and n are fresh numeric type variable.
Solve the system using gaussian elimination.
Eliminate the denomenators of coefficients in the system.
If the denomenators of the coefficients of variable n have least common multiple d, then replace each appearance of a*n with a*d*n’ and introduce a new variable n’ to the system, and replace the solution for n in the system with the equation n = d*n. If n was not free but was solved for by n = e, then add the equation n’ = e/d.
The denomenators of variables are eliminated in order of dependency, which is guaranteed to be acyclic by gaussian elimination.
Sample values of free variables in the system.
First, collect the upper bounds on variables. - If a variable is constrained by fin n, then the upper bound is the
largest finite value to test.
For an equation such as n = 1*m + 2*l - 3*k - 4*j + 10, the following upper bounds are inferred: m <= inf, l <= inf, k <= (1*m + 2*l)/3, j <= (1*m + 2*l - 3*k + 10)/4.
Sample each variable: if a variale is upper-bounded by inf then sample along an exponential distribution up to the maximum value to test and additionally with some probability inf, if a variable is upper-bounded by a finite value c then sample uniformly over the interval [0, c].
The following environment variables configure testing:
tests: the total number of tests to do for a single :check
literalSampling: whether to try to use literal sampling
literalSamplingBinSize: number of tests to run for each sampling
The user can try to prove that a property holds by querying an SMT solver with the corresponding proposition. To try to prove a property prop, the user enters the following command into the Cryptol REPL:
Cryptol> :prove prop
To try to check that prop is at least satisfiable, with a similar query to an SMT solver, the user enters the following command into the Cryptol REPL:
Cryptol> :sat prop
Alternatively, the user can run
The following environment variables configure testing:
prover: name of SMT solver to use
smtFile: where to dump SMT output when using an offline solver; set to “-” to ignore
showExamples: whether or not to print counterexamples
ignoreSafety: tell the prover to ignore safety
hashConsing: use hash caching
warnUninterp: warn when lifting uninterpreted functions