SuperMaaS Hackathon June 16-17, 2020

Information for the June 16-17, 2020 SuperMaaS Hackathon

SuperMaaS Hackathon June 16-17, 2020

The SuperMaaS Hackathon for the World Modelers program will be held virtually on June 16th and 17th. Check back soon for additional details on the meeting.

The purpose of this meeting is to work with bottom-up modelers on the process of model registry with the initial pre-alpha release of SuperMaaS. We will be providing context for the current tools we have built for this process, and working directly with domain modelers to attempt to register their models, recording all information gained whether the process succeeds or fails.

Input from domain modelers and hands on experience with their models is crucial to ensuring success as we continue our engineering efforts. Please register via the link at the top of this page with details on your model if you would like to participate in this project as a bottom-up modeler. The Hackathon will involve a series of concurrent 1:1 sessions which focus on a particular domain model for the registry process, enabling our engineers to work with closely modelers.